It means different things to different people. For most, it’s rarely the Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey model. It’s a more practical view of financial security. At Herman S. Cage & Associates, we believe it’s having the money you need to do the things you want. We’re a Chicago-based financial planning firm unmatched in our commitment to equip middle-class people with the tools to realize their life’s goals and ambitions.
We operate from a simple premise: people can make their own decisions once they have the right information. Our mission is to give clients a working knowledge of financial products and strategies so that they can make informed decisions about the management of their financial resources. We accomplish this mission by providing independent, expert financial planning services.
We serve individuals, small business owners and entrepreneurs. We offer the middle class the kind of financial planning that was once the purview of the wealthy—and at a reasonable cost. There are two aspects. Some call the first tax shelters. We call it helping our clients to keep more of their hard earned dollars to begin with so that they have more to work with. The second component entails minimizing factors that place assets at risk. We’ve found that this two-pronged approach can help people to have the money they need to do the things they want.